Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Having a hug

It's always nice to get a hug once in a while... especially when I bug mum while she is crocheting. She is very patient and doesn't mind at all.
I'm so nosey Cookie... I just have to sniff it and see what it smells like!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

I love the Sun

It has been a while since I see the sun, the last I sunbathe was like months ago! Finally the sun is out again, yippie!! I spend a good 20mins basking in the sun.

Do you sunbathe Tinka?

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Spring is in the air

Hello Cookie
Finally I can tell you Spring is in the air. I love to sniff the new smells when the window is open and take a peek too.
But, I was fooled... the sweet smell was from the Hyacinth on the window sill. Soon our Spring bulbs will be in full bloom, then I can sniff them properly.